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Why is ketosis good for the human brain?

Why is ketosis good for the human brain?

The human brain is, undeniably, the most complex organ in the human body.

Medical professionals, world-wide, have achieved a sound understanding of how a keto diet can benefit the function and processing powers of the mind, but scientists still regularly return to the fundamental question of:

What is the brain's best nutritional source?

It is a straightforward question which surely deserves a straightforward answer. Regrettably, the answer has become all too complicated as dietary theories continue to be the subject of debate. This is borne out by on-line data, essentially the more you read the further you seem to move away from a definitive answer.

Ketones have been proven to be the best source of fuel for the brain.

Ketones are burned by different enzymes and neurological pathways in the brain than those utilised by sugar, this physiological effect alone enhances brain health.

Let's consider a few other ways ketone bodies benefit the brain:

Ketones are a neuro-protective antioxidant.  

Ketones have been observed in animals operating as an antioxidant, essentially blocking reactive oxygen particles from causing malignancy. Ketone bodies, beta-hydroxybutyrate, are in the main a more efficient supply of energy per unit of oxygen, compared to glucose. 

Burning ketones contributes towards the health of ageing brain cells. During the ageing process, the ability of brain cells to utilize glucose effectively as fuel, diminishes.

Today, a large percentage of both men and women still consider sugar as the main fuel for their bodies. 

A ketogenic diet has helped children with epilepsy.

The ketogenic diet is one treatment option for children whose epileptic seizures are not responsive to anti-epileptic drugs or AED’s.  The keto diet may help to lower the quantity or severity of seizures and has frequently had positive behavioural effects. Obviously AED’s have an important role to play, and it is only under professional, medical supervision, that a ketogenic diet should be introduced. Therapeutic ketosis is particularly specialized.

The Atkins Diet.

The modified Atkins diet (sometimes referred to as ‘altered ketogenic treatment') utilizes a higher percentage of fats alongside rigorous control of carbohydrates. This diet is significantly more flexible compared to classical, or MCT ketogenic diets, since carbohydrates and protein aren't restricted.

Low glycaemic index therapy (LGIT)

This area focuses on how carbohydrates influence the degree of sugar in the bloodstream: the glycaemic index. The quantity of carbohydrates consumed is also measured. Essentially, approximate part-sizes are utilized instead of food being measured or weighed.

The keto diet has proven time and time again to benefit both body and mind.